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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Edvard Westermarck Memorial Lecture

Edvard Westermarck Memorial Lecture

Marshall Sahlins (University of Chicago)
Anarchy, Equality and Hierarchy: A Western Metaphysics of Order

September 14, 2005, 18.15 o'clock
Arppeanum-sali, Snellmaninkatu 3

For half a century, the work of Marshall Sahlins has been definitive for anthropological debates about culture, structure, history and the global system. His attention to historical and present social forms in a wide range of ethnographic areas, such as the Pacific, China, North America and Europe, demonstrates the power of cultural comparison to reformulate social theory. One focus of his comparative work is Western cosmology, the culturally specific categories and values which underlie our ideas about the moving forces of social life.

Professor Sahlins has been invited by the Finnish Anthropological Society to deliver the 21st annual Edvard Westermarck memorial lecture. The topic of his lecture is "Anarchy, Equality and Hierarchy: A Western Metaphysics of Order".

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